Saturday, June 7, 2008


This is the first post of my new blog titled "Peripatetical" and it is inspired by the word peripatetic. According to, peripatetic means "a person who walks or travels about" without a particular destination.

Besides being a 15-point scrabble word, I think peripatetic is a good descriptor for the time period in a person's life which encompasses transition. One door closes and a person is left trying to figure out which subsequent door to open and direction to go. This can be any time period after great success, like college graduation or grave sorrow, like the loss of a friend.

For me, as a recent graduate from the Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, I feel like I have entered the first peripatetical phase of my life. Up until now, every era in my life has had a distinct beginning and a distinct end. After grammar school, it was junior high, followed by high school and college. Now each beginning will not have a definite end.

As overwhelming as it feels sometimes, the great thing about the future is it always starts tomorrow. I am reminded of the Danish poet Piet Hein, who said "Living is a thing you do now or never -- which do you?" It is important to remember to enjoy the little things in life along the way even in the midst of transition because we are not guaranteed the future. Plan for tomorrow but live for today.

Through this blog I hope to share my thoughts as I walk and travel about writing the next chapter of my life. I am excited about the future successes and failures, romances and heart-aches. So here's to the next four years . . . salute!

1 comment:

Ryan Duncan said...

four years? you got a lot longer to live than four years i hope